The small van is actually sitting on and bolted to the other vehicle (yes,
it's a very small van!)
It's a mobile advert for a garage selling those vans in South Devon.
BTW, the picture was captured in Torquay.
"Keith Dancey" wrote in message
In article , "Paul Crabtree"
(removespam) writes:
some further details and a bizarre photo of a van sat on a range rover ?
Isn't that picture an optical illusion? The van would have to be minute,
the roof of whatever(?) incredibly strong, and the chances of landing
*exactly* in that position - by a *very* large wave which, uncannily,
not roll the lower vechicle on to its side - highly unlikely.
I think the van is well beyond the lower vechicle, standing in shallow
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100,000+ civilian casualties, largely of coalition bombing...