On Feb 20, 2:30*pm, O O B O O Z wrote:
On Feb 16, 4:33*pm, Roger Coppock wrote:
Latest Satellite Data Show A Warming Global Climate
The satellite record, in all its current interpretations,
shows that the air near the surface is warming.
For background on the satellite temperature proxy please see:
The URL below is one of the more conservative records
from the University of Alabama at Huntsville.
The global data given above are graphed he
The regression statistics for the line in the graph above
are below.
* * * * * * *Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(|t|)
(Intercept) -25.75364 * *2.06182 * -12.5 * 2e-16
YEARMON * * * 0.01295 * *0.00103 * *12.5 * 2.8e-30
Residual standard error: 0.18 on 372 degrees of freedom
R-Squared: 0.30
F-statistic: *157 on 1 and 372 DF, *p-value: 2.82e-30
Satellite are liars Roger. * Lookie at what happened to that couple
who trusted their GPS in Washington State and ended up stranded for
days because the satellites sent them to a place full of snow.
How do you know it wasn't the mapping on the GPS that was wrong?
We can't trust satellites anymore. * *The Chinese are sending them up
What's that supposed to mean? They can't be trusted because the
Chinese are sending them up?
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