On 20 Feb, 20:43, Weatherlawyer wrote:
terms) of meteorological elements (such as temperature), show singular
points in the mathematical sense (dy/dx=0), and apparently the name
came quickly into use for this reason.]
I wonder if the maths works out dissimilar to anything Schauss
The value has to be more or less the same as for Tropical storms and
Large magnitude earthquakes.
All you have to do is assign every storm and earthquake extant at any
point of the continuum and the equation is the value missing from the
finished number.
Seems pretty straightforward to me.
Except for landslides ardent nuee and hmmmm....
Not so easy...
I'll get back to you.
Right. Havinfg slept on it I think it should be simple enough.
Obviously it will be ropey at first. But I bet it could be refined by
someone with the required smarts.
Not me I confess.
Let's look at the North Atlantic as a microcosm of the rest of the
It obviously answers to events that occur to the west of it -prior to
such events. Other losers have intimated that there is a bridge of
some sort acting as a liaison for the Pacific and Atlantic.
These floods and landslides equate to any other disaster. We know I
assume the magnitude of hurricanes. We assume the magnitudes of
earthquakes. And they do correspond.
Further more the fact that they show up consecutively is proof of a
sort that they have one and the same generator.
Which brings us to an overall value. We know that a realtively small
earthquake at Rat or whatever the other one is called (Fox?) islands
equate to the weather leaving Virginia and the Carolinas.
We have ready access to records of the North Atlantic and stuff
covering the USA and Canada. Pity it isn't given as a cohesive lump
but we can't expect social niceties in science where los of lucre are
involved can we children.
Suppose we assign a value a nminal value to every cyclone and
anticyclone portrayed on the US, Canadian and North Atlantic charts at
any particular moment.
That will give us a datum to make a compilation from. Every subsequent
chart set ias the equivalent of a model run is it not?
As a 3 Mag. in Rat Island is equal to a 980 mb off Cape Hatteras
(provisionally that is I'm going from an hunch and not even memeory
serves me at the moment.)
And a Mag 7 earthquake is the equivalent of a what? super-cyclone. F 2
say; that gives us the range.
How much extra/inter~polation would it take I wonder?
Christ, I am depressed enough without all this.
Good job I gave up shaving years ago.