On Feb 21, 10:00*am, "James" wrote:
"Eric Gisin" wrote in message
Great picture of Pachoori and the Goracle praising Gaia.
The Washington Post this morning has a strong story on the collapse
of the movement to stop climate change through a binding treaty
negotiated under UN auspices. *And even the normally taciturn New
York Times is admitting that the resignation of the top UN climate
change negotiator suggests that no global treaty will be coming this
Short summary: *the current iteration of the movement-with its
particular political project and goals-is dead. *This will not be
news to readers of this blog where the news was announced on February
1, but never mind.
Anyway, as the Post now belatedly acknowledges, the movement to stop
climate change through a Really Big and Comprehensive Grand Global
Treaty is dead because there is no political consensus in the US to
go forward. *It's dead because the UN process is toppling over from
its own excessive ambition and complexity. *It's dead because China
and India are having second thoughts about even the smallish steps
they put on the table back in Copenhagen.
[rest at URL]
Good piece. Gore should be arrested and tried for racketeering.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
laughing, maybe you should take a hunting trip with cheney....