On Feb 16, 8:23Â*pm, Roger Coppock wrote:
On Feb 16, 4:23Â*pm, chemist wrote
On Feb 16, 9:33Â*pm, Roger Coppock wrote:
Latest Satellite Data Show A Warming Global Climate
The satellite record, in all its current interpretations,
shows that the air near the surface is warming.
ø Bull****!! the pluspart of the surface is water and
the water surface is always warmet than the ait.
For background on the satellite temperature proxy please see:
ø rticle written by an envirofascist activist.
The regression statistics for the line in the graph above
are below.
Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* Â*Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(|t|)
(Intercept) -25.75364 Â* Â*2.06182 Â* -12.5 Â* 2e-16
YEARMON Â* Â* Â* 0.01295 Â* Â*0.00103 Â* Â*12.5 Â* 2.8e-30
Residual standard error: 0.18 on 372 degrees of freedom
R-Squared: 0.30
F-statistic: Â*157 on 1 and 372 DF, Â*p-value: 2.82e-30
ø Copycock persists in posting all these irrelevant
statistics— irrelevant even if they are real 'raw'.
I get a better R-squared relating CO2 increase
to Ocean temp.
Answer all the questions like a good scientist.
Whose ocean temp?
Whose CO2?
What time period?
What degrees of freedom?
ø The issue is really irrelevant.

Â* Â* Nobody can control the wind

Â* Â* Nobody can control the rain or snow

Â* Â* Nobody (collectively) can control climate.

Â* Â* Global temps are within natural variations

Â* Â* Oceans heating are a prelude to glaciation

Â* Â* Get used to it!!
Â* Â* — — 
| In real science the burden of proof is always 
| on the proposer, never on the sceptics. So far 
| neither IPCC nor anyone else has provided one 
| iota of valid data for global warming nor have 
| they provided data that climate change is being 
| effected by commerce and industry, and not by 
| natural phenomena