October 2004: Synoptic Overview
The mean sea-level pressure field was considerably distorted
over the Europe/Atlantic sector. The Icelandic Low was displaced
1200km SE of its normal position and was centred just west of the
Hebrides at 1003 mbar. The Azores high was much weaker than
usual and displaced 1000km NW of its normal position, and was
centred between the Azores and Newfoundland at 1018 mbar.
Pressure was higher over NW Greenland (1020 mbar) and
Ukraine (1021 mbar). The trough axis from the Hebrides low was
at 8 deg W, leaving most of the British Isles under a SSW-ly flow
but western Ireland under a NW-ly flow.
The main anomaly centres were -10 mbar over Cornwall and
+11 mbar over S Greenland, with a strong anomalous NE-ly flow
over much of the northern Atlantic. Over the British Isles, mean
sea-level pressure anomaly ranged from -10 mbar over Cornwall to
-3mbar over Shetland. The anomalous flow was easterly over
Scotland, NE-ly over Ireland, and cyclonic S-ly over England &
CET: 10.5ºC (0.0 degC)
EWP: 143mm (151%)
EWsun: 102hr ( 95%)
CScotT: 9.4ºC (-0.4 degC)
ScotRain: 148mm (143%)
ScotSun: 65hr ( 80%)
NIT: 9.5ºC (-1.0 degC)
NIRain: 112mm (114%)
NISun: 88hr (104%)
IRepT: 9.8ºC (-1.1 degC)
IRepRain: 160mm (138%)
IRepSun: 101hr (112%)
Philip Eden