On 24 Feb, 07:30, "Will Hand" wrote:
"Phil Layton" wrote in message
Col wrote:
"Jim Kewley" wrote in message
Never underestimate the capacity for masochism of the snow ballers. When
this current appalling, and seemingly interminable, winter ends they'll
still be moaning that it didn't match '47 or '63 and hoping for a final
April freeze up.
I don't think even the most hard-line snow lover would want
a snowy Easter!
Yes, this winter is dragging and I'd like to see some spring soon.
I certainly wouldn't want the cold to drag on beyond mid-March.
There has not been much snow down in SE England. None has settled during
February here, and I'm kinda forgetting what January was like... I wouldnt
mind a snowy Easter!
Ah a snowy Easter - dream on!
Snow - still love it!
Best winter for years on Dartmoor and still a whole month to go.
Weatherlore has it that severe winters provide good autumnal harvests.
That is the main thrust for weather forecasting. Spread the word.
maybe someone can actually do something useful with the stuff we love.
Not that the combined forces of the Co-Op, Asda and Tesco et-al will
allow the farmers to profit.
I'd always been suspicious of those Fair Trades goods. They are always
much more expensive than reality and by the nature of the scam,
Who's going to do the checking? The BBC?