On 24 Feb, 09:59, John Hall wrote:
In article
,*Weathe rlawyer writes:
(What is the term for high highs by the way. "Building" is for waxing
anticyclones where "deepening" is for Lows but what is the fatty
accompliance? Extensive? Can't be.)
I haven't looked ata forecast chart fro some time.
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/..._pressure.html seems
to be the best one at the moment. T 84 at the time of writing has a
Low moving over Portugal (from Madeira?)
intenserrruuummm ....deepening.
Actual criticality is 970 mb when a flaccid system is operating. Not
that I know what to do with it. A Trafalgar Low (as was) used to be as
good as an Hebridean for good weather on the N Wales coast.
I don't know what operates these days of Glowballs and FitzRoy sea
I can remember when I were a lad...
The Greenland High seems secure. More than can be said for Haiti slum
dwellers. They have just spent more than their gross national product
on Chinese tents -in time, one hopes, for a campfest in the rainy
I wonder what the US militia are doing for housing there? I do hope
all those guns don't go rusty.