Not being a Pagan
"Michael Mcneil" wrote in message
Even the wierd religions* that have no
gods celebrate the solstice in one way or another. (Usually joining in
with the over-indulgences associated with Christmass in the places I
have been.)
*Atheism, agnostics, monkey-ancestor worship etc.
I am proud to be an Atheist; doubtless you are proud of your beliefs.
But Atheism is not a religion. Indeed, it is the very opposite. It
is the absence of religion - in other words, a denial of the existence
of any gods.
And yes, I do celebrate the fact that the days are getting longer once
the winter solstice has passed. It is merely the acknowledgment of a
scientific fact.
And am I to presume Michael that since you clearly don't engage in
monkey-ancestor-worship, you have scant regard for your forebears? :-)