Interesting flight path
"John Hall" wrote in message
In article
MahFL writes:
I did not realise Iraqi airspace was open to overflights. Good job the
current bunch of "insurgents" don't have Stingers, or say their
Iranian (ex Russian ) equivalent. Says a lot really when they rely on
IEDS made from 2 planks of wood and a couple of bits of metal and a
I'm not sure what the "ceiling" of a Stinger missile is, but I'm pretty
sure that it's well below the 25,000ft+ that a cruising airliner will be
flying at.
John Hall
"Acting is merely the art of keeping a large group of people
from coughing."
Sir Ralph Richardson (1902-83)
I flew back from Delhi last year over Afghanistan. Fabulous scenery, but
what worried me was not stingers or whatever but "friendly fire" from the