13 days 1000 mb in S. England
On Feb 26, 9:48*am, Keith Grant wrote:
Looks like MSLP 1000 hPa here in Bracknell since about 21Z 15 Feb
2010, maybe until early on 1 Mar. *It would be interesting to know
when this last occurred in the south of England. *Very few longer than
about 6 days back to 2003. *I would guess about once per decade. It's
an artificial limit, but has some merit, I think. Alas, I can no
longer run my Met Office sequences program on Heathrow hourly data
from 1949!
* My lowest pressure since 2003 is 962 hPa (possibly 963) at 15Z 10
Mar 2008, so next Sunday's low has that to beat.
* Keith Grant
Good spot! I'm highly confident that sequence will end next week.