Battening down the hatches
In article
Simon S writes:
On 27 Feb, 13:07, "Les Hemmings" wrote:
Natsman wrote:
Looks like we're in for a battering during another stormy night in
France - on the face of it, probably worse than Thursday night. *We
have orange vigilance warnings for much of the country - expecting the
worst around 02:00 Sunday morning.
Getting the same kind of thoughts here in Folkestone...
Would I be correct in thinking the track if forecast to be a little
further north than was expected?
Simon S (South Yorkshire)
Not sure about that, but the 12Z GFS seems to be moving the Low through
quicker than on previous runs. It's now forecast at 06Z tomorrow to be
at roughly where it was previously expected to be at 12Z, and at 12Z
it's at about where it was previously expected to be at 18Z.
John Hall
"Acting is merely the art of keeping a large group of people
from coughing."
Sir Ralph Richardson (1902-83)