Who was that lady? And a question for Mr Dixon and others.
"Peter Thomas" wrote in message
| In message , Yokel
| writes
| ...
| As I recall it, the actual
| path of the depression was picked up in time for emergency warnings to be
| got out to the authorities, but by then most of the general public were
| either in bed or preparing to retire there.
| ....
| Which was the most sensible place to be. Talked to a neighbour as he
| came out of his Police Station mid-evening. We both remarked the rise in
| temperature.
| Stirred briefly when a small length of sofit detached and the loft-hatch
| lifted into the loft. Surprised to have apparently slept clock-radio
| alarm....
| Headline MetO warning for Sunday is for heavy rain, mentioning wind also
| in detail.
| xcweather has the brunt in mid-Channel with 6/7 but F4/5 for S England.
| Initially E, backs as centre of low crosses Kent about 0600 then W from
| 1200
| Does XC run off GFS or is my memory at fault?
"Mouse over" a location on the map so the forecast display comes up. At the
foot of the right hand column is the credit to GFS, together with the run
time used.
- Yokel -
"Yokel" posts via a spam-trap account which is not read.