Owl be seeing you.
On Mar 2, 1:53*pm, Graham P Davis wrote:
On 02/03/10 13:49, Graham P Davis wrote:
Strange owl-like appearance to the low to the west of Iberia. Although
the upper circulation has a single centre, the cumulus streets seem to
have two centres of rotation, one cyclonic and, just to the east, an
anticyclonic one making up the owl's eyes.
Oops -http://www.sat.dundee.ac.uk/geobrowse/geobrowse.php?sat=0&year=2010&m...
And shorter -http://1tinyurl.co.cc/?gh69nk
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. *E-mail: newsman not newsboy
"I wear the cheese. It does not wear me."
do you mean scandinavia ?