Sparkling weather.
"Graham P Davis" wrote in message
On 05/03/10 12:48, Will Hand wrote:
Didn't Will say that it would change as we approach the Spring
Equinox, with the Sun moving North of the Equator it would start to
drag the Jet Stream away from its Winter holiday in Morocco?
I did Bonos, a long time ago now as well!
I stand by it still.
And I'll stick to the SST anomalies keeping it down south for the most
part. Mind you, the anomalies are said to have less effect during the
summer so that may be some small crumb of comfort.
Graham, can you explain why such a relatively small patch of cold water (40N
40W) on the global scale can affect the whole NH dynamics at 9Km and above?
Might it not be that the NH SST anomalies are symptomatic rather than