High pressure, or an Atlantic breakdown at 10 days? Take your pick.
"Lawrence Jenkins" wrote in message
"Col" wrote in message
He can only report what he thinks is likely to happen,
and if what he thinks is likely to happen is similar to
long term trends, then so be it.
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
No Col I was being charitable the way he (dawlish ) sticks his neck out
and to hell with it, even if the odds are in his favour, he nails his
colours to the mast. Been a trait of his all winter. I paticular like his
long range prediction that there could be some rain in the UK during the
winter months.
Well, yes indeed.
And he is quite open and honest about it with the 75% confidence
level to forecast at 10 days.
Presumably he considers anything lower than that wold merely be
'guesswork' and he'd get as many forescasts right as wrong, so
what would be the point?
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl