Hi Will,
I know Matt Hugo had his faults, but in his credit he spent many an
hour on mIRC #weatheruk (don't think this runs anymore), with me
explaining the synop coding, which I very much appreciated. So I guess
I owe him a lot of thanks, as I do with many others on this newsgroup.
Interesting how some of our 'unconventional' weather buffs seem to
stick together, I wish them well.
ps: You have me e-mail address :-)
Keith (Southend)
Weather Home & Abroad
On Wed, 3 Nov 2004 19:09:14 -0000, "Will"
================================================= ===================
This posting expresses the personal view and opinions of the author.
Something which everyone on this planet should be able to do.
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.... will soon have a new boss - Andrew Bond (Mr Metcheck.com :-) )
This is of course in addition to Bill Giles and our dear old friend Matt Hugo
who now works for Metcheck from Canada.
Sort that lot out !
Any comments Lawrence :-)