What "machines" do you use to forecast?
"Will" wrote in message
| Hi.
| Just a simple question: what machines (can't think of the right
| terminology!) do you all use to make your forecasts? Or do you rely on
| local data from your nearest weather station?
| I have an increasingly curious interest in the Weather - I've had a basic
| Oregon Scientific thermometer and barometer (very basic in fact) but have
| always wanted to measure other things.
| Anyway, it would be interesting to hear what people use
| Thanks
| Will
Stage 1 - Get the wider view. Weather rader + synoptic charts from the
Internet. SKY normally have up-to-date infrared satellite images via the
"Interactive" on SKY News. Of course, a Meteorology degree or some other
such training in interpreting such information does help - but I am sure you
can also "teach yourself".
Stage 2 - use the Mark 1 eyeball, a most under-rated forecasting tool. The
"Oregon" barometer also comes in useful, but those twee weather graphics are
all but worthless as the relationship between weather and pressure tendency
is much more complex than can be programmed into such a tool.
Correct use of modern technology modified by about 40 years experience of
watching and observing can produce very satisfactory results. Successfully
forecasting the sun will be out in an hour's time when it has been chucking
it down with rain all morning is a sure way to impress your friends.
- Yokel -
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