Still a complete snow cover above 800ft in the central lowlands and still
rather deep above 1000ft. I'm told at the top of a local hill (2,400ft)
there's well over 1.5 meters of snow on most upper slopes.
Even given an average end to the month temperature wise, I can't see the
snowline retreating much higher for quite some time yet, there's so much of
it to shift.
The ground is unusually dead looking in my lower snow-free area, no sign of
daffodils even shooting yet. The snowdrops are just out, the latest I can
ever recall that happening.
Rivers are very low, firstly because there's been no rain for 11 days - but
also because so much of Dec, Jan and Feb's precipitation is still locked up
in snowfields.
Lovely sunny day today with a max of 8.5ºC, but that was after a minimum
of -6ºC. The average march max and min are very similar to these widely
opposing values.
Wishaw, Central lowlands.
"Keith (Southend)G" wrote in message
Looking at the visible satellite image of Europe there is still much
snow on the ground over quite an extensive area, which is probably why
we don't really seem to be warming up atm. This is going to take some
time to shift and subsequently leave us with another below average
month as far as temperature is concerned. Springs a coming, but it's a
slow slog I'm afraid :-(
Keith (Southend)