Scientists take another run at climate change.
On Mar 11, 11:44Â*pm, Roger Coppock wrote:
Eight Nobel-prize winning economists and scientists have joined more
than 2,000 others in signing a letter today that urges the Senate to
take swift action on climate change.
"The longer we wait, the harder and more costly it will be to limit
climate change and to adapt to those impacts that will not be
avoided," reads the letter, which is available on the Union of
Concerned Scientists' website here.
ø The Union of Concerned Scientists is another
fascist group also looking for more grants for
useless projects. Coulda, woulda, shoulda.
ø The issue is really irrelevant.
Nobody can control the wind
Nobody can control the rain or snow
Nobody (collectively) can control climate.
Global temps are within natural variations
Oceans heating are a prelude to glaciation

 Get used to it!!
— —
| In real science the burden of proof is always
| on the proposer, never on the skeptics. So far
| neither IPCC nor anyone else has provided one
| iota of valid data for global warming nor have
| they provided data that climate change is being
| effected by commerce and industry, and not by
| natural causes