OT - How many are employed worldwide in meteorology?
In article
Pete L writes:
Anybody have an idea how many people are employed worldwide directly
as forecasters? My guess is 200-400k
I just need a ball park figure to use in a talk.......
I was wondering how you arrived at that figure. Depending a bit on your
definition of "forecaster", I would have thought that the number in the
UK would only be in the hundreds rather than the thousands. There are of
the order of a couple of hundred countries in the world, but the less
developed ones are likely to have comparatively few forecasters. OTOH,
the US - in particular - will have a lot more than the UK. My own guess
for the worldwide figure would be in the region of 50k, but I wouldn't
be surprised if that turned out to be an overestimate.
John Hall
"Acting is merely the art of keeping a large group of people
from coughing."
Sir Ralph Richardson (1902-83)