OT - How many are employed worldwide in meteorology?
On 12 Mar, 10:23, Pete L wrote:
On 12 Mar, 10:19, Dawlish wrote:
On Mar 11, 7:47*pm, Pete L wrote:
My guess is 200-400k
I just need a ball park figure to use in a talk.......
1800 are employed by the MetO:
which equates to 9,400 people:
That would equate to about 30,000 scientists in all,
maybe 10,000 forecasters?
about 15000 working in the major countries,
I would think in UK Met there are probably only about 400-500
active forecasters.
I think I'll say 10-20 thousand.
Is this a talk to be given in an east coast University?
Somewhere near the fens perhaps.
Not Cambridge I take it?
You are either a 15 year old not doing his homework well or a senior
scientist working at the CRU.
Or both as the case may be.