Michael Fish
Dear Jim'll Fix It
Please please please would you fix it for me for the Government to start up
an OFMET?!
Jesus wept and many thanks,
Richard (aged 29 3/4)
OOOOOOOO..........ahaaaaaaaaaaha.........yesssssss ss.Waves gold medallion.Nooooooow ,yess com'nd and
sit on ma knee young Richard.your wish will be granted .......sort of,of..........see this 'ere-
The Royal Meteorological Society, at the behest of the UK weather forecasting industry and
their customers, proposes to undertake a project to establish methodologies and metrics by which the
quality of weather forecast services can be assessed on a basis that is clear, scientifically well
founded, relevant to the customers' needs and easily applied and understood.
Request for Tenders
Consultants who are appropriately qualified are invited to tender their fixed price in pounds
sterling exclusive of VAT for the contract to undertake all aspects of the task on the basis of the
associated RMetS documents:
For full information and downloadable documents relating to this please visit