The afternoon was dominated by virtually unbroken sunshine with just a small
amount of cumulus build up. A total of 10.6 hours of sunshine today, this
brings the monthly total to 100.8 hours, which is 69% of the total possible
for the first 13 days of this month.
The temperatures responded well to the sunshine with a maximum of 13.1°C
this afternoon. The overnight low was 4.4°C and the grass minimum was 1.4°C
making it the first night this month without a grass frost.
The sunshine was strong enough to create good thermals, the buzzards and
seagulls were swirling around on a thermal going up and up until they were
just tiny dots in the sky.
Still no rainfall this month. Lawn now quite dry but greening up well and
growing again after being mostly dormant since mid-December.
(18:40), 6.8°C, RH 72%, DP 2.1°C, 1031 hPa (S), Wind 4 mph WNW.
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl