Winter in context - help me decide
"RWood" wrote in message
On Mar 14, 12:39 pm, "Lawrence Jenkins" wrote:
Climate change? 4.7 billion years of earth history yet you think climate
only changed during the speck of history of the last hunderd odd years.
a plank you are.
"James Brown" wrote in message
I can't decide how to rate this Winter. Is it:
a) The once in a few decades type like 1947 or 1962 - but modified by
GW climatic change - hence not so severe.
b) The continuance of a pendulum swing to a more colder UK Winter
such as the 80's e.g.
c) None of the above - just another unique scenario - but without
implications of GW or longer term Winter cooling.
I'm leaning towards a) but together with last year, I'm also drawn to b)
Any thoughts?
James Brown- Hide quoted text -
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There is nothing in Mr Brown's post that implies climate change has
not occurred before. Your reply is a cheap shot, attacking a straw
man. Perhaps the "plank" epithet should be redirected.
Is 'straw man' the new buzz term just like anthropogenic global warming once
was? please let me know as I'm so out of touch with fashion.