Winter in context - help me decide
On 13/03/2010 22:45, James Brown wrote:
I can't decide how to rate this Winter. Is it:
a) The once in a few decades type like 1947 or 1962 - but modified by
the GW climatic change - hence not so severe.
b) The continuance of a pendulum swing to a more colder UK Winter
period, such as the 80's e.g.
c) None of the above - just another unique scenario - but without
implications of GW or longer term Winter cooling.
I'm leaning towards a) but together with last year, I'm also drawn to b)
Any thoughts?
I go for c). For me, this winter was much more severe than 1962. I was
then living on the outskirts of London. Speaking to locals, they say it
was similar to 1962 (although I am not too sure about their memories).
Howard Neil