"Dave Ludlow" skrev i melding
On Tue, 16 Mar 2010 02:20:00 +0100, "Bjørn Sørheim"
Furiously snowing in the last days here. A steady stream
from arctic northwest. Continuous snowing
almost all the time. Will definitely continue tomorrow...
Many schools have been closed in another municipality
in the province/county, because of avalanches/avalanche treath.
Many roads have been closed because of avalanches,
or threath of avalanches. Main road to eastern Norway
now closed! Haven't happened in years. Unusual situation.
Will probably break the snow depth record tomorrow for
this winter at my location - which was 115 cm.
As it get much wetter in the coming days the situation will
only get worse. So cross your fingers...
Here is a link to the weather radar in my area. I live on the
peninsula just south of Ålesund.
I've always thought that your part of coastal SW Norway is fairly mild
in Winter, your reports this year have been an eye-opener. Good luck
with the shovelling!
It is quite mild in winter normaly, but we get some snow when the
wind is blowing from northwest/north from the arctic in any winter.
This winter is not normal, with the NAO have changed to NAO-,
the weather is _much_ colder, and _much_ snowier.
This was the normal situation in the 50s/60s/70s and partly
the 80s. While the 90s and the last decade have been NAO+ with
an almost constant southwest wind.
For the shovelling I think I will pay for a man with a tractor this time,
not the first time...
What is the height above sea level of your location? Do you have any
photos this time?
It's 40 m asl. For the photos, I can't get them right now. I will have
to clear some snow. And see if there could be an avalanche situation
here. That could change my priorities.