Nights drawing in
On Mar 19, 6:32*pm, Graham P Davis wrote:
On 19/03/10 17:27, Nick wrote:
Strange thing to say in March, maybe, but the progressive and steady
worsening of the weather over the past week, with the worst weather of
the day always occurring towards the end of the day, is giving that
perception. Feels like about 15 minutes after sunset at present, but I
doubt the sun's gone down already...
Yes, I was about to put the lights on when I noticed it was only twenty
t past four.
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. *E-mail: newsman not newsboy
"I wear the cheese. It does not wear me."
Yes - hard to believe that in a couple of weeks we probably won't need
to put the lights on at twenty past *seven*, local time - unless we
get another day like today. I'd say today was unusually bad - the
darkness in the late afternoon was far in excess of your average wet