[OBS] Romsey - Saturday 20th March 2010
Another delightful day. Non-stop, mostly moderate drizzle,
sometimes accompanied by rain (but never rain on it's own
so far today), has added just 2mm in the last 6 hours. Still
get wet as soon as you step outside, all the same.
I was beginning to wonder whether my hygrometer was stuck
at over 95% but when I've looked oustide to see drizzle, rain,
mist, or fog every time over the last 2 days, I realise there's
nothing wrong with it! Minimal variation in the temperature,
wedged between 10.6C and 11.1C.
SYNOP 20/1450Z (current ob)
03/// 41225 82014 10107 20103 40026 57006 75965 887//
333 86704 88707 90710 91125=
EG// 201450Z 20014KT 2500 RADZ BKN004 OVC007
11/10 Q//// YLO2=
wind... SSW, force 4.
visibility... 2500m.
weather... moderate rain and drizzle.
clouds... endless stratus, currently at 400ft and 700ft.
dry bulb... +10.7C.
dewpoint... +10.3C.
RH... 97%.
sea level pressure... 1002.6mb (slow fall).
rainfall last hour... 0.3mm.
6 hour rainfall (0900-1500Z)... 2.1mm.
beaufort letters (1350-1450Z)... cdo,cdoro,cdr.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl