Romsey - Saturday 20th March 2010
On Mar 20, 3:08*pm, "Nigel Paice" wrote:
Another delightful day. *Non-stop, mostly moderate drizzle,
sometimes accompanied by rain (but never rain on it's own
so far today), has added just 2mm in the last 6 hours. *Still
get wet as soon as you step outside, all the same.
I was beginning to wonder whether my hygrometer was stuck
at over 95% but when I've looked oustide to see drizzle, rain,
mist, or fog every time over the last 2 days, I realise there's
nothing wrong with it! *Minimal variation in the temperature,
wedged between 10.6C and 11.1C.
SYNOP 20/1450Z *(current ob)
03/// 41225 82014 10107 20103 40026 57006 75965 887//
*333 86704 88707 90710 91125=
EG// 201450Z 20014KT 2500 RADZ BKN004 OVC007
*11/10 Q//// YLO2=
wind... SSW, force 4.
visibility... 2500m.
weather... moderate rain and drizzle.
clouds... endless stratus, currently at 400ft and 700ft.
dry bulb... +10.7C.
dewpoint... +10.3C.
RH... 97%.
sea level pressure... 1002.6mb *(slow fall).
rainfall last hour... 0.3mm.
6 hour rainfall (0900-1500Z)... 2.1mm.
beaufort letters (1350-1450Z)... cdo,cdoro,cdr.
Nigel *(Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl
Just as bad in Southampton. Near constant - low - daylight level from
about 7am to 4pm, deteriorating since.
Currently about as light as it normally is at 6pm. So even if BST was
in force, it'd still be darker than it normally is.
Here's hoping the upcoming wet spell will have fast moving fronts that
get on with it and clear through quickly...