... here we go again!
On Mar 22, 6:04*pm, Bonos Ego wrote:
I've done a quick analysis on the correlation between cold winters
since 1940 and the following summer whereby;
Winter Average CET 1971-2000 = +4.5c
Cold Winter CET = +3.5c
Summer Average CET 1971-2000 = +15.6c
Below Average Summer CET +15.1c
Above Average Summer CET +16.1c
Average Summer CET =15.1c =16.1c
Of the 23 Winters since 1940 that had an average Central England
Temperature of = +3.5c the following Summer turned out to be the
Below Average = 9
Above Average = 2
Average = 12
This can also be viewed in spreadsheet form by clicking on the
following linkhttp://i393.photobucket.com/albums/pp17/BonosEgo/ColdWintersSince1940...
Source data taken from the Met Officehttp://hadobs.metoffice.com/hadcet/data/download.html
Conclusion, I would go for a cooler or average summer, NOT a BBQ
I sincerely hope that's just a coincidence - otherwise 2010 will truly
be a weather "annus horribilis" with us having to pay all year for the
good January!