Vile weather.
"Nick" wrote in message
On Mar 23, 1:51 pm, Dawlish wrote:
I hope the SE is faring better than the SW today. Driving drizzle/
light rain in a force 4, gusting stronger, southerly all day since
0900. Foggy; visibility has been 100m at times; 200m presently.
Altogether foul. A day for staying in and avoiding the weather.
You're telling me. If the forecast is correct 7 of the 8 days from
last Thursday to this Thursday will have this damp, gloomy weather:
bad going for November (and even last year's very disturbed November)
never mind "spring" (?)
The problem seems to be the wind is "stuck in the wrong direction",
blowing a constant stream of ghastly cyclonic southerlies in . The
hope is that after Friday the whole pressure pattern shifts eastwards
and we'll get more in the way of polar-maritime or even, at times,
arctic-maritime air, which, while not exactly the prolonged warm sunny
spell we need after the poor late winter, will be much more bearable
than what we have at present.
Another lovely sunny morning here. Clouded over this afternoon though.
Unfortunately I can't offer you a holiday cottage to rent though ;-)
Dave, S.Essex