Vile weather.
On Mar 23, 6:49*pm, John Hall wrote:
In article
*Dawlish writes:
I hope the SE is faring better than the SW today. Driving drizzle/
light rain in a force 4, gusting stronger, southerly all day since
0900. Foggy; visibility has been 100m at times; 200m presently.
Altogether foul. A day for staying in and avoiding the weather.
The SE - or my bit of Surrey at least - didn't fare much better. It was
reasonably bright first thing, but the weather deteriorated and the
drizzle set in - very lightly at first - a little before noon. The
afternoon became progressively darker and wetter.
John Hall
* * * * * *"Acting is merely the art of keeping a large group of people
* * * * * * from coughing."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sir Ralph Richardson (1902-83)
Horrible here all day. Foggy, wet and dark early with a nagging cold
wind, even though its been from the south. Thoroughly miserable.
Plucking up courage to take the dog: wish me well, but I won't be gone
some time!