In message , Adrian D. Shaw
Felly sgrifennodd
Alastair McDonald :
Here is a follow up to the original broadcast.
Having listened to both reports, I too find it quite amazing. The only thing
it seems the Americans understand is money.
Since the political will to impose sanctions against countries which pollute
(such as the US) does not appear to be there, I feel my only option is to
stop buying American, and hope that enough people will feel similarly strong
about it to do the same.
I doubt it will do much good. It was scary listening to that paranoid
guy make such unwarranted accusations about the integrity of a famous
British scientist. Boycotting Esso in Europe is one way to make the
The only thing that will make the US take notice is when they cannot buy
dirt cheap oil any more, and that may happen sooner than you think...
I suspect they'd still be producing CFC aerosols
were it not for the consumer.
Sadly not the case. All too many US consumers want their CFCs - there is
even a black market in them. If you ask US consumers they object to
having to pay more for less damaging ozone friendly alternatives.
The reason CFCs were abandoned following the Montreal Protocol is that
even Fluorine chemists want to be able to live safely on the surface of
the Earth. And the chemical industry agreed that the evidence was
They even gave an industry medal of merit to the discoverers of the
Antarctic ozone hole (last year?).
Martin Brown