Mar 23 11:00
6.0 M. 2010/03/25. 05:30. 13.8 N. 120.1 E. Mindoro, Philippine.
It isn't much. Probably the first formed from the demise of a tropical
storm east of there the other day. There were 4 centres to the Low
affecting Britain on the Midnight chart. This morning there are only
Makes me think the values given to earthquakes is very far from their
true magnitudes. I think that was a twin or dual. 2 x 3M.
Could even be 2 x 4.5 for all I know:
4.9 M. /03/25 13:00. 34.2 S. 71.8 W. LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
5.2 M. /03/25 11:11. 35.9 S. 72.9 W. OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE
What's a 4.9 + 5.2 worth?