Feelings on the GFS settled spell week of April 5th?
On Mar 25, 4:42*pm, Nick wrote:
For a while now the GFS has consistently been pointing to something
more settled week of April 5th after a northerly. What are opinions on
the likelihood of this, or at least something a bit more "average"
than we've got now, occurring? I ask this as I can take a week's
holiday at some point in the next 3 weeks and that week would be
ideal, but if the weather's as atrocious as now, there'd be no point
and I may as well just keep working!
ECM seems to be consistently the most pessimistic of the two, with no
northerly for next week and no evidence of a transition to a settled
spell over Easter. Obviously the runs for beyond Easter aren't out yet
It's not showing a settled spell Nick.