There is no Global Warming
"Gavin Staples" wrote in message
.. .
Given the fact that the Kyoto protocol was supposed to limit CO2 which is
supposedly a greenhouse gas ...
Are you saying it isn't then ?
and that more than 50 per-cent of the human
population have been exempt, these being China and India. If one is
about limiting CO2 then these countries would have been included.
I hope you are encouraging them to join soon.
It is infantile to suggest that American goods should be boycotted.
Is it ?
China will be using more oil than America by 2010 and more than America
the EU put together by 2015.
They might ... but soothsaying aside ...
Do we then say let's boycott Chinese goods and
then see how qucikly we get accused of racism.
Possibly - boycotting Chinese goods is no more racist than boycotting
American goods (and in fact, neither can be considered racist if they are
being boycotted for a reason other than the fact that they are Chinese,
American, etc.).
When India are added to the equation by 2015 China and India will be
using 3 times more oil than the US.
They might ... but soothsaying aside ...
Kyoto is dead in the water. It was never meant to be anything else.
Really? I imagine the learned persons involved in bringing it about, both
organisational and scientific, must be delighted to know that their efforts
were always meant to be pointless. I cannot think why they did not ask you
first before wasting all that time.
Yes I can ...