[OBS] Romsey - Monday 29th March 2010
Did I move the hands on the clock face the wrong way?
I'm sure that dusk has arrived earlier since moving to
BST, and today, the interior lights were on by 3:30pm.
Thundery looking sky (creases in gunmetal grey Sc/Ac
undulatus) preceded two outbreaks of heavy rain from
1440Z to 1530Z, measuring 3.5mm. No thunder heard.
SYNOP 29/1750Z (current ob)
03/// 11256 81705 10100 20092 49931 56029 60051 72165
885// 333 10111 82704 85707 88625=
EG// 291750Z 17005KT 6000 BR FEW004 BKN007
OVC025 10/09 Q//// RERA GRN=
wind... S by E, force 2.
visibility... 6km.
weather... dull and misty (recent mod rain; slt rain/drizzle).
clouds... 2/8 St 400ft, 5/8 St 700ft, 8/8 Sc 2500ft.
dry bulb... +10.0C.
dewpoint... +9.2C.
RH... 94%.
sea level pressure... 993.1mb (falling more slowly).
max temp today... +11.1C.
rainfall last hour... 0.6mm.
12 hour rainfall (0600-1800Z)... 5.1mm.
beaufort letters (1650-1750Z)... crm,cdorom,cm.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl