On 29 Mar, 11:39, MahFL wrote:
This shows the Atlantic SST anomaly.
It's a very graphic graphic. All the more interesting in that outside
of the Arctic I'd thought anything less than cyan impossible.
It does demonstrate a nice cyclonic effect on the thermo-haline column
though. We've just been through a period of dual quakes, dual occluded
fronts and sdual/s twin focussed SSP centres. You can call them
elongations if you like.
There is nothing like a twin gyre to make me feel smug and comfortable
with it. (*I've bagged it and will post a link later, IIR.)
A 2C difference is a lot, Hurricane wise. Other factors of course
affect Hurricane formation. I live in Florida.....
A 2 degree Centigrade difference involves a fairly small pressure
change; which in a hurricane occurs every fewful feet. I live
elsewhere. It doesn't vary the fact.
Or does it?