0900 to 0900UTC data for Bracknell, Berkshire, UK (51 24'N, 0 46'W, 77m AMSL) generated on
01/04/10 at 09:00:02
010900Z 270/6.2 kts/14.8 kts 7.5 C/0.2 C QFF 1009.1 hpa (+2.5 hPa in last 3 hours)=
Max 09-09: 11.5 C at 10:54 31/03/10
Min 09-09: 1.6 C at 00:08 and 05:41 01/04/10
Grass Min 18-09: -2.9 C
Rain 09-09: 2.2 mm (last tip at 21:25 on 31/3/2010)
State of Ground: Moist
Remarks: Cold and windy, with ocnl light rain most of yesterday. Mod hail showers at 1450 and
1630. A fine cold sunny morning today. Light hoar frost early.
Bright Sun yesterday 00:00 hrs:min (for comparison only, due to poor exposure)
Environment: suburban garden, south-facing slope, temperature higher than more exposed sites on
quiet, sunny days.
This report is generated by WeatherDisplay version 10.37P, based on Davis Vantage Pro2 data and
manual input.
Bracknell Weather plus Latest Statistics at:
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