Ash fall in south Iceland
People in south east part of Iceland are advised to wear dust masks
outside and to heat their houses more than usual, to keep the volcano
ash at bay.
The area has been blacked out, like on some dark winter day.
The ash is very bad for livestock, and now in spring it is a blow for
farmers in the area, they have to keep their animals mostly inside,
and feed them on fresh hay.
The main roads and bridges on the south coast where sweept away
yesterday and fresh floods are sprawling out of the glacier every now
and then.
The wind will turn to north east tomorrow and the ash will propably
blow out to the open sea.
Or if the wind turns to the east, it will blow towards Reykjavik like
last time when the volcano eurupted in 1821, then it blew ash and lava
for 2 years.
The ash somehow of mixed orgin, both light brown or just black.
Today it has been falling in the Faroe islands.
And when the big sister volcano Katla wakes up, then it can
wreck some bigger havoc than this.
And it has always done that 1 or 2 years after Eyjafjallajökull
since 920.
Thor, Reykjavik.