Newsflash: The fightback campaign against sceptics
On Apr 19, 4:48*pm, "James" wrote:
"Dawlish" wrote in message
On Apr 19, 3:52 pm, "James" wrote:
"Giga2" wrote in message
On Apr 19, 11:25 am, Dawlish wrote:
On Apr 19, 9:44 wrote:
On 18 Apr, 13:04, Dawlish wrote:
On Apr 18, 11:51 wrote:
On 18 Apr, 02:54, "James" wrote: "Eric
Gisin" wrote in message
The left is ****ed of that a grass-roots skeptic movement
outnumbers the alarmist camp on the web. The solution:
organize a campain of alarmism in blog comments. Wonder when
they'll invade usenet.
I think they are here already.
Yes, I was gonna say we've had AGW propagandists active on this
NG for
ages. They seem to have lost a lot of steam in recent months
Giga - are you sure about what you've said here? See other
I have to say Dawlish you are one of the few AGW propagandists who
have kept up the pretence even in the face of overwhelming
evidence of fraud and foolishness. I was referring to a more
general trend and did not mean to say that all individuals had
started to loose some of their fanatical evirothusiam.- Hide
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Pretence? It's easy, Giga. What possible reasons have denialists
got to smile at present*? Nothing points to what you wish to
What do you wish to happen? Don't worry I know. You are hoping and
praying temperatures will go up and up. I wonder if you are capable
of seeing how insane that is?
He also cannot see that it's political. The climate farce is merely
the vehicle to get them to where they want to be so they compalin
endlessly when holes are spotted in their theory or something comes
out debunking one of their claims. The corruption found in the ones
dealing in all this never happened or was only minutia and isn't
worth considering according to most of them. As I posted a week or
two ago, there are several flavors of players in the enviro con
game.- Hide quoted text -
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Ah, the political conspiracy theory raises it's ugly but strangely-
difficult-to-quantify-or provide-evidence-for head.
It's hard to believe you are that stupid.
I don't see you debunking any theory James by finding these "holes"?
Neither do I see you producing evidence of "corruption" James?
The evidence has been everywhere whether I produced it or not. The fact
that you don't want to know about it is typical for any troll or liar
who comes to the group and feigns surprise at things he says he knows
all about and proceeds to set them all straight. You really aren't very
good at this.
I do see you hugely upset about the world. It's a nice place really.
In my long career, knowing hundreds and hundreds of scientists.....
Dawlish - 4/9/2010
The fact that I've known hundreds of university educated scientists and
come into contact with them on a professional basis daily, allowed me to
judge a sense of feeling about their capacity for scepticism.. Dawlish
4/17/2010- Hide quoted text -
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Ah! The evidence is everywhere! Damn.Must have missed it then,
together with the rest of the scientific world.
Troll, liar........ nice insults. Evidence/science: none. Oh well. *))