"Keith Dancey" wrote in message
In article , "Lawrence"
Sir David King is a ideologically led fool.
In your opinion.
His background is sketchy to say the least.
No, it isn't.
I'd rather go with Professor David...no not the David King version but
Professor David Bellamy. He clashed with this man earlier this summer
link below)
Bellamy is lying in this article. He says increasing levels of CO2 will
not heat up the atmosphere. (Poppycock, he calls it. I wonder what his
explantion of the temperature on the surface of Venus might be?)
Err.... Floppycock
has absolutely no atmospheric science credibility and has carried out no
theoretical or practical experiments to support this claim. This is why
could never get such comments published in any bone fide scientific
publication, but has to rely upon scribling to the Daily Mail instead.
Oh I get it David King does!! and relies on the theory of.....
Structure and Dynamics at Surfaces The objectives of our work are to provide
a detailed understanding at a molecular level of the relationship between
surface structure and molecular reactivity, focusing on catalysis. From the
understanding developed in this way new approaches are being developed to
control the rates and selectivity of catalytic reactions, and to design new
Whats the forecast for next week Mr King?
In addition he has two publications to scribe for
The Independant & The Guardian.
Bellamy joins all those "Economists" and Fossil Fuel "Industrialists" who
think they have greater knowledge of the physics of our atmosphere than
qualified physicists. Bellamy has never even studied physics.
But we *do* know he is Right Wing. What a prat. And an ideologically led
We also know that David King is left wing. plus the fact he was Knighted
under the Labour Party
No Co2 without fire mate..
Why would Bellamy lie?