"Matthew Cegielka" wrote in message
scott wrote:
Too cloudy!
... from the warmth of your PC!
Yes, I've seen those - I can't work out exactly what's going on with the
Aboyne cam - is that really auroral activity?!
Eskdalemuir looks rather more convincing, but not quite as impressive.
Certainly not as impressive as on Sunday. Again, unfortunately, it was
too cloudy, although I'd swear I saw the slightest shifting glow through
the clouds late on.
Matthew Cegielka
Remove multiple navigational aids to reply
Both the Aboyne and eskdale cams look about right. I have just spent the
last few hours up in the Cheviots observing the northern skyline. It is
though distant towns are lighting up parts of the horizon when I know none
can be seen!
This observation is very different to previous encounters with the Aurora
Borealis, in the past the lights have shimmered, danced and changed colour,
and even been directly overhead, on this occasion it is best described as a
cross between light pollution from distant towns or a Northern June midnight
Impressive none the less!