GISS figures for April contunue the exceptional global warmth.
"Natsman" wrote in message
On 15 May, 13:15, Dawlish wrote:
The first of the land-based global temperature series, GISS is out for
April. At +0.73C, it was the warmest April in 131 years by a wide
margin. It follows on the heels of the two satellite series, which
both put April as second warmest in their respective series.
2010 has now had the warmest first 4 months of any year in the 131
GISS series and the period April 2009 - April 2010 is the warmest 12-
month period in recorded history by quite some margin; eclipsing both
calendar years of 1998 and 2005 and any other 12-month period.
All highly suspicious, but a downturn is a-coming.
I have to say I can't believe the Sat temps could be interfered with and
they reflect this heat. Joe B expects a big, big downturn soon and we'll
have to see. Of course if he's right it'll make the AGW look rather sillier
than it already does. Back to doctoring, or spinning figures: the Cap and
trade bill I believe is going before congress at the moment the more scare
stories the better. This bill if passed and the democrats have the majority,
will make Obama, Gore and co very rich indeed as America take the world
economy down with it.
Yes I know this is not weather per se, but these issues are becoming
increasingly important in all of our lives and the truth is politics and
personal gain is now driving this agenda.
Just my humble opinion.