"Hugh Newbury" wrote in message
On 19/05/10 07:40, Col wrote:
"Graham P wrote in message
On 18/05/10 20:08, Col wrote:
Worst by far is desperate Dan Corbett.
Too awful for words, barely watchable.
Barely? You're being too kind.
I only watch him because I want to find out what the weather forecast is!
I'd rather not know than watch him.
Hugh Newbury
They're all no doubt very talented individuals - it's the format that's
wrong. Sky's Francis Wilson is able to better explain the weather in a
fraction of the time by explaining the air mass type/origin and the trend
using IR/visible satellite loops.
Poor Dan Corbett and others' main remit is to tell us if it's a "chilly old
start" in that south east corner, plug the latest 5 live sports coverage and
say "go online for more" when we're all sat in our armchairs.