Grass is growing like there is no tomorrow up here Nick :-(
Not here Will.
Dry as a bone. The grass is browning by the minute in the sun. It has
stopped growing but the weeds are hanging in there.
As for the allotment, it is dust-dry, even a foot down there is little
moisture and I am having to water everything to stop things shrivelling up.
I have noticed the grass can stop growing and lose its green during very
sunny spells in the summer, even if the soils aren't dry. I presume it is
just the intensity of the sun that must somehow 'damage' the grass.
(14:40), 25.1°C, RH 51%, DP 14.2°C, 1028 hPa (F), Wind 7 mph SSE.
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl