European Monsoon
"Nick Gardner" wrote in message
Grass is growing like there is no tomorrow up here Nick :-(
Not here Will.
Dry as a bone. The grass is browning by the minute in the sun. It has
stopped growing but the weeds are hanging in there.
As for the allotment, it is dust-dry, even a foot down there is little
moisture and I am having to water everything to stop things shrivelling
I have noticed the grass can stop growing and lose its green during very
sunny spells in the summer, even if the soils aren't dry. I presume it is
just the intensity of the sun that must somehow 'damage' the grass.
Can't say I have noticed it here Nick but then we don't get your sunshine
and heat.
We have the sun today but max. just +19.2C with a F3-4 east wind straight
off Lyme Bay. I'm also no expert in botany but you might be right.
Biggest effect in past week has been how well the chrysanthemums are
growing, last year they struggled, but now they are thriving.
Sorry to hear about your allotment, I know how difficult in can be in a dry
soil, I suffered a lot of that in Crowthorne, Berkshire where the soil was
sandy in a dry climate. I have to say, not much sign of rain on the charts
so you will be watering a lot.
I presume you have added a lot of manure etc to keep the moisture in? That
worked for me on my Berkshire sand.