"jbm" wrote in message
But it could be serious.
I've just downloaded the latest data from the weather station, and sat
here looking at the graphs. First thing that came to mind was "Wtf did
that come from?" At 6 o'clock yesterday morning, 0.6mm of rain was
recorded, yet when I came to water the plants this evening, the water butt
was all but empty. That water butt will fill easily with less than a
millimetre of rain (catches four roofs = 100+ sq m), so obviously no rain
Since I keep a wildlife friendly garden, and assuming some pesky bird
(probably a pigeon) landed on the sensor and rattled it, how do you
prevent that sort of thing happening. I certainly can't blame the dog for
this one.
Come on folks, one of you must some idea on this one.
jim, Northampton
I've seen people experiment with plastic cable ties to deter airborne
intruders. Select the appropriate size and fix say 4 of them pointing
upwards around the top of the gauge. Hopefully not large enough to affect
your readings, strong enough to resist those Northamptonshire winds and more
than enough to deter avian landings.
George in Epping, West Essex (107m asl)
COL 36055