On May 24, 11:41*pm, "George Booth"
I was sitting outside taking the air at 6.15pm today watching a group of
soaring birds thermalling away - all turning in the same direction and
maintaining a good lookout as they should. They were climbing very well
without flapping of wings. Moments later there was a sudden gust of wind to
28mph with a shower of small foliage from nearby trees. The temperature
started to fall quickly, the wind shifted from NNE to ENE and the relative
humidity rose from 44% to 60% in 15 minutes. The barograph trace bottomed
out. I can only assume that this was a rather late or even second sea breeze
front passing through as the temperature had already been falling for an
Tmax 28.1º today with the RH down to a very pleasant 33%
George in Epping, West Essex (107m asl)www.eppingweather.co.ukwww.winter1947.co.uk
COL 36055
That sounds rather similar to what happened here. At 18Z the
temperature was 27°C with a light and variable wind and a few minutes
later the wind became a rather gusty ENE'ly, about force 4, with the
temperature falling 9° in an hour. It has now largely levelled out at
about 12 °C. There was a noticeable increase in the haze with the low
sun looking very red whereas during the day the sky had been a hard
deep blue and the sun very bright.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, NE Surrey, 556 ft.